
{Giveaway with Domestos} Who is still saving water?

Win with Domestos and Flushless|HarassedMom

When we had water restrictions up here in Gauteng a while ago we went all out. We were recycling almost every drop that could be recycled. We really put in a big effort and it made me realise just how much water we waste every single day. It is not the obvious suspects like the […]


Talking about what happens in the toilet is gross, right? WRONG! If you are a 6 year old boy and 4 year old girl then toilet stuff is fascinating and toilet humor funny! If you are a parent you will find yourself assessing poop and discussing toilets more than you probably realised (or wanted to). […]

WIN with Picture This

I am going to turn 40 in exactly one week! I am super excited, not only because I love birthdays but because I think 40 is the BEST birthday. I now officially old enough to not give a toss about anyone or anything. I have done enough living to have learnt I don’t need anyone’s […]

#eatmorechicken and WIN!

I have been talking a lot recently about the cost of food and how it is rising every day. One of things we eat a lot of is chicken. I mentioned on my instastories that Cameron needs to eat the equivalent of 16 chicken breasts  a day in protein.  There are just so many reasons […]

Colour Your World With Otees

Colouring in is one of those timeless activities. We all did it as kids and our kids are all doing it now. My kids absolutely love drawing and colouring in. It is the one thing they do together without (too much) drama. Jack and Kiara especially are always drawing or colouring in. Enter the Colour […]

WIN with Converse, Nike and Jordan Kids

I am a huge Converse fan. I would have sneakers if every colour and wear them every single day if I could (and most days I do). Sneakers and leggings are one of the greatest inventions of our time right? Converse kids unleash their creativity through physical action and social expression and require a wardrobe […]

My top pregnancy tips

February is Pregnancy Education month. Sometimes I feel like the pregnancy grinch because I really never enjoyed it. I tried 4 times and honestly it never got better. It felt like an out of body experience the entire 9 months. That aside though I am grateful that I had 4 easy pregnancies without complications and […]

Make #ONEsmallCHANGE and win with Wellness Warehouse

Like most people I started the year with certain goals. I find breaking each goal down into smaller goals makes them much more achievable and they don’t seem so overwhelming. The Wellness Warehouse understands that a healthy lifestyle doesn’t have to be one radical change, it can be small changes, one at a time. Every […]

{GIVEAWAY} Power Rangers Ninja Steel Morph Vehicle

Do you guys remember the Power Rangers? My brother and I used to watch it, all I can really remember is the song “Go go Power Rangers”. I didn’t realise it was back until recently and Jack is busy going through all the series on TV (and there are LOADS of different ones.). The Ninja […]

{WIN} TWO Sasko Hampers worth R1000 each.

Holidays are around the corner guys!! I cannot wait! We are not going away this year which is sad because I won’t get to see my family but also pretty exciting because it means we don’t have to go anywhere. My plan is to turn into Nigella and bake with the kids and make sure […]