
Something to think about

In honour of my psych exam today – this post is based on something I read in one of the chapters.

It explained how TV contributes to behaviour in society – which I realise is common knowledge.

But what I didnt think about is this – according to the study that was done in 2002 in the states over 70% of people who did something wrong in tv shows/movies were punished!

Never mind the violence – THIS is the lesson our kids are learning (if you have a tv your kid is learning this lesson – 70% of shows – effects us all).

They are learning that their actions DO NOT have consequences. They are learning that they DO NOT have to obey the law. They are learning that they CAN misbehave and nothing will happen.

Scary stuff hey!

And its not just in shows like Ben 10 or other “violent” shows. Think Tom and Jerry! How often does Tom take the fall for Jerry?

Makes you think hey!



7 Responses

  1. That really is interesting. I caught a part of a cartoon the other day, I don’t know what it was, but I swear to God I stopped and though “and this is supposed to be for kids?!”.

    So yeah. I can see that it would have an impact on impressionable children.

  2. Hmmm, that does make one think. However there are also so many people in society who go unpunished too, more so than on t.v. Both set a horrible example.

  3. The far-reaching effect and influence of television is not properly understood by parents. What is initially suppose to function as a pacifier, ends up being the norm … and the teacher. Indeed.

    But you can’t shut the television out completely. It is so part and parcel of our society nowadays. Unless your home never has one on (or don’t have one all together), it can be very dysfunctional and abnormal not to moderately incorporate it into the lifestyle. Balance, and subject matter is important.

    Certainly very scary stuff if left unchecked!

  4. It does indeed make you think… although I believe what we teach our children can overrule what they see on TV and hear in music.

  5. Interesting point of view- I did my college research paper on TV violence and its effects on children…
    This was one point that I never came across. Truly scary!
    However- I think children’s behavior and understanding of consequence falls upon the parents, no matter the subject matter they are exposed to.

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