Last week I asked you all a few questions – thank you so much to everyone who gave feedback. I have a few post lined up to answer the questions you asked.
I have so many blog ideas scheduled but my there’s been a lot going on so time to write has been a lacking. One of the threads that came through the feedback from my survey was that you would like more updates. I used to them regularly but for some reason they have fallen to the wayside!
SO here is an update 🙂
Our Santa Shoebox Drop off in Pretoria North this past weekend went off so well. We got in all the boxes we needed. Cape Town didn’t fair so well which is really disappointing. Not sure what the problem was in Cape Town 🙁 Our team are working like crazy people though to make up as many boxes as they can. Thank you to everyone who has pledged!
I sent David two emails yesterday with our schedules for the next two months. I was exhausted just typing it. Kiara has her dance exams, dance concert and exams. Cameron has exams, valediction, prize givings, last primary school gala and an event at his school for next year. There are Christmas Parties, Club galas and general every day get togethers with friends. How is your end of year madness looking?
Jack is doing SO SO SO well. He gets changed in the morning without a fight but he knows as soon as he gets home he can put his jeans and socks and shoes on. I am convinced its a sensory thing because the hotter it gets, the more he needs on. He is also eating so much better. Emma copies every single thing he does, so she is also eating. Double score.
I wrote a letter to Kiara’s teacher and then had a brief meeting with her. It is exams this term, so we will focus on studying at home. The meeting wasn’t particularly productive but at least I have followed the process, so I can go to the HOD if I need to.
Cameron is cruising along like he does. He was sick last week which was a bit strange, he hardly gets sick and I can’t remember when last he was sick enough to miss a whole week of swimming. He is better this week and is busy with exam prep.
Emma is sleeping. Emma is eating. Emma is also walking around saying F*CK because one of them had to pick up my potty mouth and who better than the last born. But that aside, she is talking, counting and I am 98% yesterday she asked me for the blue plate and then collected the blue plate from the cupboard.
I am good. Life is pretty stressful at the moment. I keep wondering when it will get easier, when we will get a break, it has been an unforgiving year for us. I am holding out that next year is easier, or at the very least not worse.
Tell me what is happening with you? Whats new?
7 Responses
Love love the updates…. I also wrote about the end of the year madness today but am way too scared to even try and list what is still to come….
cat@jugglingact recently posted…Fourth term silly season
Love love the updates…. I also wrote about the end of the year madness today but am way too scared to even try and list what is still to come…. I am so sad about Cape Town and how on earth does 2500 boxes just not get delivered? I keep wondering if there was not some tech issue? Were they promised by the same people/group? We have ours ready! And I have great news for next year but will message you
cat@jugglingact recently posted…Fourth term silly season
I’m in the midst of a Fibromyalgia flair up, so I am simply just in pain.
I love your catch up posts the best. You make me want to be better.
Wenchy recently posted…Miraculously recover or die. That’s the extent of our cultural bandwidth for chronic illness.
sorry to hear about your flare-up…:(
I also like these posts the best!
Marcia (123 blog) recently posted…Eco-mobility month
Don’t worry you are not the only one with a kid with a potty mouth…
Here’ s hoping for a wonderful 2016!
Heather recently posted…Joyful Moments
Well, eco-mobility month is finishing…I need to start seriously studying for some industry exams and once the kids are in bed (5 mins), D and I have budget night. It’s all “fun” around here 🙂
Marcia (123 blog) recently posted…Eco-mobility month
Love the update! Hope this year my silly season runs a bit smoother (although its already started with a bit of a wobble) Deadlines at the office are also looming never mind that ive just been on training for 6 weeks it seems like I was never out the office. My daughter has also taken a sudden interest in swimming galas again (although gets disappointed when she just misses the medals) and trying to tell her as long as times are improved it doesn’t matter just isn’t working too well . Holding thumbs next year is better for everyone!