
The launch that made me cry

Back in the day, when blogging was still simple, we used to get together regularly. We had tweet ups, we celebrated each others birthdays, weddings or just organised random get togethers for whoever could make it.

It was one of the best parts about blogging and being online for me. I loved the interaction and for those who don’t know I actually met David at a tweet up. I have also made some very special friendships as a result of those get togethers.#samomblogsrelaunch (2)

For as long as I can remember I have had a hand in organising these events – we have had my annual Christmas Parties, Christel Wenchy and I did ladies on lunch and last year #jozimeetup was born. It is something I feel passionate about – connecting people and growing our blogging community. I don’t think I realised just how important this all was to me until Saturday morning.

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We officially launched the new SA Mom Blogs on Saturday morning and Free Range Lifestyle Centre and it was such a great morning. Heather said a few words and when I stood up and started speaking I started crying – real tears people! Real freakin tears. I enjoy public speaking so it wasn’t nerves but rather the fact that what Heather and I have achieved and what we have planned to achieve is a something I have dreamt about for years!

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Standing there looking out over all the bloggers who took time out of their day to be with us, the brands and PR companies who supported us – it was a very special moment. It means people are listening to us, they are hearing us and they want to partner with us. I have always felt like no one really takes Mommy Bloggers seriously but I no longer feel like that, finally we are being heard and our impact appreciated.

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We also officially announced our conference for next year and this is another huge accomplishment, the fact that we have a date, a venue and a few brands who have already expressed an interest in working with us.

Obviously I have not achieved this on my own which makes it all the more special because I have someone to share it with and learn with and someone who pushes me every day. Thank you Heather 🙂

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Also a huge huge thank you to everyone who came out to join us and the brands and PR peeps who took time out of their Saturday to come along to listen to what we have to say (and see us cry). Your support means so much to both Heather and I!

And to Free Range for hosting us – THANK YOU! Gosh the spread was amazing as always! Your continued support of the mommy blogging community is hugely appreciated.

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Eve Meyer, a Mamahood Mama who runs My Print Boutique, printed our little magnets that we handed out as thank you gifts. Aren’t they just gorgeous!

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The Beauty Stop, also launched on Saturday at Free Range and gave everyone a goody bag with some Dermalogica goodies in – Thank you!

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7 Responses

  1. Laura I am so proud of us and what we have achieved, and for you I think it’s a long path of a lot of work with a history of events, so I’m honoured to be working with you. I think for me the nerves were larger than the emotions!
    Heather recently posted…Back to Square OneMy Profile

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