
The ramblings of a mad woman

Gosh this week has been a rather strange one. I get stressed, I work myself up at times but I seldom feel as anxious as I have this week. I don’t even really know if it was anxiety. Sharon made a post about her anxiety, after reading that I tried to think about what “set off” my feelings.

It was Cameron’s swimming coach! He sent out three emails. One with gala details, one with a general notification and times of training, one with times of training next week. I actually felt my heart rate speed up as I saw them coming in to my inbox.

The emails shook our routine up. A new swimming venue (in fact two new venues), a two day gala when I already had commitments on and a whole lot of different times! I also found out Kiara has another running event, Dress Up day and is going on camp next month. I am organised in a disorganised way. I know where everyone must be and when. I keep track in my head, I write it down, plan it and then we carry on with life. When that gets disrupted I freak out a little bit. 

Anyway today I feel a lot more in control. David and I sat up working last night and I feel like I am out in front of things for the first time in weeks. So please allow me a short ramble about a few things.

Ramblings of a mad women| HarassedMom (4)

  • I have been cooking a lot at the moment, this is noteworthy because I don’t particularly enjoy cooking but there is now always home made stock in my fridge, I made some apple chips on Monday, they were SO yum and so easy to make. I have a tomato sauce in the slow cooker at the moment. I even made a very simple pasta dish (literally just fried up the mince with some of my stock, its nice and thick and mixed it with some pasta shells and sprinkled it with cheese) and Jack ate it.Jack hasn’t eaten anything I have made in weeks but last night he ate a big bowl! What meal do your kids always eat?
  • Jack is still having issues. I don’t know what his triggers are which is the most frustrating part. I dread the mornings and yesterday at school he ripped his favourite pair of jeans. In between the tantrums he is pretty calm and is eating better in general, so I am just keeping on moving forward and hopefully we will figure it out.

Ramblings of a mad women| HarassedMom (3)

  • I am doing a pamper party for the girls at Reach For A Dream, this is the third Princess for a Day I have done for them and they are such humbling experiences. 
  • I am feeling a little despondent about the state of our country at the moment. I heard this morning that they are introducing Mandarin into state schools from next year. Now I am not arguing the idea of introducing Mandarin but surely all the money that is going to be spent on sending teachers overseas should be spent on getting kids text books? Or desks? Or even maybe CLASSROOMS! I don’t get it. It makes me tired. How are you feeling about things?

Ramblings of a mad women| HarassedMom (2)

  • After spending many months thinking and rethinking about blogging and where I want to go, listening to fellow bloggers, I have finally made a decision that is best for me and harassedmom. The minute I made the decision, I got my mojo back. I am enjoying blogging again – its been a while. I think a lot of the problem was I was taking myself too seriously and forgot why I started blogging. Does this happen to you?
  • I have re-discovered magazines! I have been trying to find the new Weigh-Less magazine (or even older ones) so have been looking through magazine racks wherever I go. There are some really pretty ones out there!!! Do you still read magazines? Whats your favourite?

Ramblings of a mad women| HarassedMom (1)

  • Have you seen those posts from people saying there are x number of Fridays until Christmas. I think those people should be rounded up and forced to listen to Bony M for x number of Fridays.

I think I have rambled enough for one day!



8 Responses

  1. I am super anxious right now – there is a HUGE amount of work I need to do to get ahead of stuff and my stomach is in knots all the time, I’m not sleeping, I’m slipping up with the kids’ stuff… I know what I have to do to fix it and am busy doing it but until it’s behind me, I just can’t get over this ceaseless sick feeling in the pit of my stomach!
    I want to look forward to blogging and even have a few posts brewing but work stuff takes priority right now, so until I’m on top of my life again, I’ll have to suck it up and swallow the blog guilt.
    Also, magazines are an indulgence for me – something to spoil myself with. I don’t often buy them, but I love them!
    MeeA recently posted…On Moving Things and Shifting PerspectivesMy Profile

    1. I know that feeling MeeA. I have just done a 2 month project for a client and it was my focus but now things are calmer so I am regrouping. Also I found gf lasagne sheets – going to whatsapp you

  2. Well now at least I know that Stefan isn’t the only little boy who doesn’t eat! He would happily drink all his meals.

    How am I feeling about the state of our country. Today the whole of Walmer is a no-go zone. They are burning tires and keeping people who want to go to work hostage. All the businesses between 7 and 9th avenue is closed…even the Spar…because they are afraid of looting. My oldest is seriously thinking about leaving the country with his family…I am not happy. Need I say more?
    Lynette Jacobs recently posted…Fun & Silliness – CREATE – Scrapbook GenerationMy Profile

    1. Ai Lynette 🙁 It seems a generally feeling of discontent everywhere. Some of taking it out physically which is not right but on some level I can understand the frustrations.

      I have been vehemently against leaving and still am but I have considered the idea recently.

  3. Oh my gosh!

    I think it all boils down to a feeling of being out of control. For me, certainly, that’s true. The more out of control I feel, the more anxious I feel. Not that I feel this way very often but I know that’s my trigger. And then, and only then will I work at home an extra 4 – 5 hours so I can sleep better 🙂

    Now about the clothes, is it not just his age? Connor went through a phase of being VERY picky (I remember he only wanted to wear brown tops and he had ONE).

    Mostly these two eat anything BUT if I want to be “the best mother ever”, I have to make spaghetti bolognaise and they gobble it up and ask for seconds 🙂
    Marcia (123 blog) recently posted…The big treeMy Profile

  4. I am fairly overwhelmed at the moment. Some of my friends are going through really hard things and of course I can’t help but be emotionally involved. Then Son1 has ALL THESE PROJECTS. And they are not quick-stick projects either, they are VERY labour intensive. Just lots on my plate at the moment so definitely time to go back to basics. I realised yesterday that I haven’t had alone time in AGES! I need to make a plan ASAP.

    My kids always eat pasta and I no longer do magazines. I don’t even miss them! Doubt whether the Mandarin thing will actually happen. We’re still waiting for Afrikaans to be optional and for Zulu/Xhosa to be a compulsory 2nd language.

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