
March Round Up

March Round Up It was the 1st March and then it was not. Maybe because it was school holidays and Easter or maybe it was because we were so busy or maybe it was just my perception of time, but March seemed to here one minute and gone the next.  I was really hoping it […]

Our Homeschooling Journey | An Update

Our Decision to Unschool. We started our 6th year of homeschooling this year and we have changed things up a little bit. Educating Emma has been a challenge from Day 1 and we have worked our way through so many different curriculums and ways of learning, so I made the decision late last year to […]

February Round Up

February is the month of love and we definitely celebrated those we love.

A History of adidas: From Humble Beginnings to Global Sportswear Giant

When you think sportswear, one of the first names that pops into your mind is probably adidas, right? If you are a fan of the Kolisi’s then you will definitely be up to date on the latest trends in adidas. But did you know that Adidas had humble origins in a small German town. The […]

January Round Up

A quick round up of the first month of 2024. There was so good, some bad and some in between.

Are you following the signs?

Are you listening to the signs the universe is sending you? | HarassedMom

Are you listening to the signs or are you ignoring them? It might be time to stop, listen and take a leap of faith.

Lessons Learnt from Gardening

Gardening is about so much more than just growing some plants. There are many valuable life lessons lurking in between the carrots and lettuce.