
The struggle to juggle is real!

The Struggle to Juggle | HarassedMom

Last week kicked my butt in so many ways. It felt like it was our first term of school EVER. I felt totally disorientated and like a fish out of water. I think it was a combination of me being away and then having more work to catch up on than I was prepared for, going off my meds and just general back to school stuff.

This week has started off better. I did want to have Cameron’s lifting sorted out this week but that hasn’t worked out but hopefully I have found the solution now and from next week that will be sorted out!

People often say to me “I don’t know how you do it!” well I am going to be honest now and tell you that at the moment I don’t know how I am doing it. Working for myself, from home is amazing and I love it but there is a lot of stress trying to manage home and work, especially now that Speak Social is growing so quickly.

Having 4 kids in 4 different schools is catching up of me. Kiara is away on a camp next week for a whole week – it has ONLY just dawned on me. I had no idea the dates were now. Jack’s not settling as well as I had hoped so he needs a lot more attention in the afternoon and his teacher and I are not completely on the same page. Cameron needs to start thinking about varsities and related stuff which has increased his anxiety and honestly has me like a deer in headlights because I have no clue where to start. Emma’s school is lovely, she is settled but they need stuff (like most schools do) and she was punched in the face (apparently) last week.

This is the tip of the iceberg of the stuff the kids have on. Cameron has started competing again so weekends are pretty much a write off until December. Kiara’s dance exams happen sometime now (at this rate they could be happening now and I wouldn’t know) and this term Jack does a concert.

Guys the juggle is REAL at the moment. There are a few balls lying on the floor, some rolled out the door completely and I haven’t even picked some up. I high five myself every day that I make it through. I hear some of you whispering “get organised you idiot” but the thing is I am pretty organised. I write stuff down, I have calendars and school communicators, I am on class, swimming and dancing whatsapp groups but still the struggle to juggle it all right now is so real!

I know sorting out the kids lifting will make life a lot easier, it’s just to survive until then!

How is your juggling going?



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