I received my settlement money yesterday. It may not have been what I could have got had I fought harder but it was enough buy my son some winter clothes, pay for his party, put some away for semester 2 registration and PAY OFF ALL MY DEBT!!!!!
Its GONE – all of it! The loan, the lawyer, the credit card – GONE GONE GONE!!!!
It is such a relief!
It means I have extra money each month to save for end of the year uniforms and school stationery packs so I dont have to stress about finding that money!!!!
Seriously people – was a GREAT day yesterday when I paid that final loan off!
13 Responses
Thanks for posting the article, was certainly a great read!
What a fabulous feeling! I hope I’ll know that feeling in my lifetime!
That’s great news Laura! Congratulations!
That is so huge Laura. Very liberating.
Dignity and no debt. Yay you.
Wow that’s awesome. Well done and congrats! 🙂
Woohoo, I’m so very happy for you!
Sjoe babe, that is wonderful.
I cannot even imagine how great that must feel…. I live from month to month….
Wow that is fantastic. Such a great feel and SO liberating.
what fabulous news. that’s a weight off anyone’s shoulders!
well done you.
That’s fantabulous. great to have breathing room like that.
Congrats! I’ll be joining you soon in “Debt Free Land”…